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180309 Web Landscape M300137.jpg
180309 Web Landscape M300115.jpg

Positive and Negative


The space entrance space is totally permeable to the exterior, presents an higher height, simpler floor pattern and softer wall colours. It is composed by a suspended expositor, a bank parallel to the table and the reception balcony.

In a superior height, the “semi-public” space is protected with a wall that hides the stairs which joins the two spaces. This space contains one bench and few expositors for the main models searched by regular usuries.

Feminine footwear store. Two spaces that contrast through different levels of opacity. In the left side the “Door/Shop window” suggests a filtered continuity into the “semi-public” space of the establishment. This door was teared at the bottom to allow the visitor to observe the inferior part of the dummies which wear the main brand models. For antithesis, an emptiness punctuates the entrance, creating an inviting space for the visitor.

In the interior the project looked forward to strengthen the contrast between the two spaces.


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Project Year:




Commercial, footwear store



Tiago Vieira de Sousa at University

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